I was really excited when the website Insider.com contacted me to help one of their staffers organize her NYC apartment. This video gives you a sense of how we work – it’s a collaborative process. You don’t go off to Disneyland and come home to a surprise reveal. The goal is to have all your organization systems work for … Go >

Over the past 20+ years, Gotham Organizers has helped thousands of individuals and businesses be more productive, more organized and less stressed. We are extremely proud of our accomplishments, the impact we make on our clients’ lives, and the strong rapport we have built within our community. You don’t have to take our word for it, though – many local … Go >

Redfin features We were named a top organizing and decluttering expert by Redfin. Check out the articles we were featured in: The Ultimate Room-By-Room Decluttering Checklist 20 Tips and Tricks for a DIY Bedroom Makeover on a Budget

Looking for ways to improve your productivity and efficiency? Getting organized is the single most valuable action you can take to make your life a little easier. But when you’re surrounded by a sea of clutter, it can be difficult to identify how to get started. Luckily, there are some easy ways to clear clutter! Try one (or all) of … Go >

As you look around your space, do you notice that clutter has been piling up? Do you stare into a closet full of clothes but feel like you have nothing to wear? Is your desk so piled with papers that you don’t want to sit down to work? Are your drawers so jam-packed that it’s impossible to find what you need? … Go >

Recently I sat down to draft my monthly e-newsletter*, and I really struggled when faced with the “blank page” of the computer screen. That got me thinking: Often, the hardest part of any project or task is getting started. I know that can be true for getting organized. You may have heard me say that my mission is to make … Go >

(Photo: Unsplash) One of the first steps in getting organized is to de-clutter. (I know – you want to run out and buy cute containers and nifty gadgets. That comes later. It’s actually step 4 in my Gotham Organizers Less Mess = Less Stress (TM) 5 step process to organize anything.) As Oprah Winfrey has said, “You can’t … Go >

Newsflash – the clutter in your home could be worth thousands of dollars! The average American home has more than 50 unused items which are worth over $3,000 according to a survey done by eBay. Gotham Organizers founder Lisa Zaslow joined ABC News correspondent Paula Faris to show an Atlanta family how much their clutter is worth – and how … Go >

We’ve all heard the standard time management rules about how to deal with email: Limit your email to only 3 times a day Never check email in the morning (there’s even a book with this title) Don’t multi-task by emailing while doing something else. Seems sensible. But do we follow these rules? No. What’s going on? We know that email … Go >