Things To Do Before December 31

You’re probably in full holiday frenzy, with an overloaded To Do list and a packed schedule. While I usually preach ways to pare down and lighten your load, in this case it pays to take on  a few more things to do before December 31 so you don’t miss out on a variety of money-saving benefits that will vanish when … Go >

The Best NYC Professional Organizers

The Best NYC Professional Organizers

Over the past 20+ years, Gotham Organizers has helped thousands of individuals and businesses be more productive, more organized and less stressed. We are extremely proud of our accomplishments, the impact we make on our clients’ lives, and the strong rapport we have built within our community. You don’t have to take our word for it, though – many local … Go >

Don’t Abandon Your Organizing Systems

organizing systems

Don’t abandon your organizing systems – they are the key to staying organized!  “I got organized a few months ago, but now things are back to the way they were.” “I tried getting organized, but it didn’t last.” Do these sound familiar? Do you think something is wrong with your organizing systems – or with you – because things don’t … Go >

Why Is Getting Organized So Overwhelming?

getting organized

Recently I sat down to draft my monthly e-newsletter*, and I really struggled when faced with the “blank page” of the computer screen. That got me thinking: Often, the hardest part of any project or task is getting started. I know that can be true for getting organized. You may have heard me say that my mission is to make … Go >

De-cluttering tips: Get clear about your clutter

de-cluttering tips

  (Photo: Unsplash)   One of the first steps in getting organized is to de-clutter. (I know – you want to run out and buy cute containers and nifty gadgets. That comes later. It’s actually step 4 in my Gotham Organizers Less Mess = Less Stress (TM)  5 step process to organize anything.) As Oprah Winfrey has said, “You can’t … Go >


Readers Digest asked me to share some of my best tips for setting up a productive workspace. If you want to be more productive – and spend less time at work – it’s crucial that you set up your work space effectively. Check out this quick article for tips about clearing clutter, using color coding, my favorite time management tool … Go >

Seven Habits of Organized People

  Fast Company asked Lisa for input on the article Seven Habits of Organized People. Read Fast Company article. GO Try It! Do you have a habit that keeps your organized?  Drop me a line here to let me know!

How to Organize Your Desk

CNN Money asked Lisa for advice on how to organize your desk. Read CNN Money Article You’ll find information about what should – and shouldn’t – be on your desk, where things should be placed, and other tips on how to organize your desk to improve your productivity and save time.   GO Try It! Take a look at your desk right … Go >

Organizing paper: Dos and don’ts

Each year the US postal service delivers 200 billion pieces of mail. Another 2 trillion pieces of paper are generated in offices. That’s a lot of paper that each of us has to deal with! If you are not managing your paper effectively, it is costing you time and money. Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to keep on top of … Go >

How to maximize your space: the organizing principle of “prime real estate”

When it comes to organization, you can learn a lot from real estate developers. In real estate, it’s often said that the three most important things are location, location, location. Real estate developers also know how important it is to maximize every square inch of valuable space. The principle of “prime real estate” will help you get the most out … Go >

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