Be more productive and less stressed at work

Would you like to improve productivity and maximize organizational effectiveness?

According to The Wall Street Journal, the average businessperson wastes an hour a day due to disorganization. That’s about 6 work weeks lost per year.

We help you regain that time so you can work more effectively with less effort.

After working with Gotham Organizers you will:

  • be able to easily focus on what’s most important
  • spend less time searching for information and materials
  • work in your ideal environment and make the best use of your space
  • effortlessly manage papers

Whatever your workspace, we create customized office organization solutions that work for you:

  • Home offices
  • Small businesses
  • Not-for-profits
  • Corporations


Email us or call (212)866-9493 today to schedule a complimentary consultation and productivity audit to determine how your business can benefit from working with us.

Individual office organization services >
Company office organization services >
Workshops and talks >
Office organization: our approach >

Individual office organization services

Office organization: We’ll create a workspace that works for you and is a pleasure to be in. We’ll clear clutter, maximize your space, and organize furniture, equipment, supplies, etc. for optimal efficiency.

Home office organization: Working in a home office has particular challenges. (Hello dining table that doubles as a workspace.) We’ll create a workspace that works for you, no matter what your space limitations.

Paper management and filing systems: Dealing with piles of paper is one of the most common reasons people contact us. We’ll quickly clear out and organize old papers and information. We’ll create filing systems so that you can easily retrieve and store information.

Organizing electronic documents and information: The information you need can truly be a click away, right at your fingertips.

Streamlining workflow systems and processes: We’ll create systems to handle routine tasks so that you can “set it and forget it”. We’ll help you eliminate re-work and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Time management and productivity: We’ll help you make the most of your time, clarify your priorities and overcome procrastination.

Email management: Overwhelmed by e-mail? We’ll help you gain control of your in-box and stay on top of the flow of information.

Sustainable systems so you stay organized: We create systems that work with your natural strengths and style.

Read client testimonials to see what other people just like you have to say about working with us. and check out before and after photos of our projects.

Company office organization services

Document management and filing systems: Eliminate the time wasted searching for documents. Reduce the cost of storing unnecessary papers.

Storage room organization: Cut the cost of searching for items. We’ll clear clutter and organize items to maximize space.

Streamline business systems and processes: Improve efficiency and quality and eliminate re-work. Decrease the time spent on routine matters.

Manage and facilitate office moves: We’ll help manage your move to decrease employees’ downtime and keep move costs down.


Workshops and talks

Lisa Zaslow has taught thousands of people to be more organized and productive. Learn more about how workshops and speaking engagements can benefit your organization.

Office organization: our approach

For over 15 years, Lisa Zaslow and Gotham Organizers have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, executives and professionals in a wide range of industries to be more organized and productive. Additionally, Lisa has over 15 years of experience working in consulting and human resources at top companies.

Lisa’s organizing expertise and corporate background give her a unique perspective on what works at work.

We take a customized approach to office organization. There is no one system, product or device that works for everyone. If you’ve bought books by best-selling productivity gurus and found that you can’t apply their advice to your work situation, you are not alone!

We start by analyzing your space, your responsibilities and priorities, your goals, and your work style and habits.

We first look at what’s working for you, and build on that. This enables us to quickly create systems that will work with your strengths and be easy to implement. We know that you’re busy and have better things to do than organize your office, so we work fast! (We also know that investing in getting organized will quickly yield tremendous returns.)

We work with you hands-on in your office, guiding the process every step of the way. We’re different from consultants who will leave you with a slick report but don’t help you implement it or coaches who work remotely but never see your space.

We roll up our sleeves, re-organize files, clear clutter, determine the best products for you, develop systems, analyze how you’re spending your time, and even sit by your side and deal with e-mail.

We actually get things done.

Email us or call (212) 866-9493 for a complimentary consultation to discuss your situation to see how we can help.

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