Seven Habits of Organized People

  Fast Company asked Lisa for input on the article Seven Habits of Organized People. Read Fast Company article. GO Try It! Do you have a habit that keeps your organized?  Drop me a line here to let me know!

Furniture to Help You Get Organized

  Krrb asked Lisa to curate a selection of furniture pieces that help with organization and maximizing space. Read Krrb article. GO Try It! Do you have a favorite piece of furniture that helps keep your organized?  Drop me a line HERE and let me know!

How to Organize Your Desk

CNN Money asked Lisa for advice on how to organize your desk. Read CNN Money Article You’ll find information about what should – and shouldn’t – be on your desk, where things should be placed, and other tips on how to organize your desk to improve your productivity and save time.   GO Try It! Take a look at your desk right … Go >

Time Management Tip: Do Less, Get More Done

You know those items on your to-do list that you just never get to? Here’s a radical idea in productivity improvement – just don’t do them! “The Dalai Lama’s To Do List”, I’m not talking about the report that you’ve been procrastinating on and that’s due on Friday. Do that. Soon. Actually, stop reading this and do it now! … Go >

Things To Do Before December 31

You’re probably in full holiday frenzy, with an overloaded To Do list and a packed schedule. While I usually preach ways to pare down and lighten your load, in this case it pays to take on  a few more things to do before December 31 so you don’t miss out on a variety of money-saving benefits that will vanish when … Go >

Organizing paper: Dos and don’ts

Each year the US postal service delivers 200 billion pieces of mail. Another 2 trillion pieces of paper are generated in offices. That’s a lot of paper that each of us has to deal with! If you are not managing your paper effectively, it is costing you time and money. Follow these Do’s and Don’ts to keep on top of … Go >

Maximize Your Space: 10 Biggest Tips to Create Space in Your Small Place

As a professional organizer in New York City – one of the most space-challenged places in the country – I help my clients make the best use of every inch of space in tiny apartments. Here’s how: Clear clutter – Less is more. Get rid of things you don’t use, don’t need, and don’t love. This will free up space … Go >

How to maximize your space: the organizing principle of “prime real estate”

When it comes to organization, you can learn a lot from real estate developers. In real estate, it’s often said that the three most important things are location, location, location. Real estate developers also know how important it is to maximize every square inch of valuable space. The principle of “prime real estate” will help you get the most out … Go >

Turn Your Clutter to Cash! Watch Lisa on ABC News

Newsflash – the clutter in your home could be worth thousands of dollars! The average American home has more than 50 unused items which are worth over $3,000 according to a survey done by eBay. Gotham Organizers founder Lisa Zaslow joined ABC News correspondent Paula Faris to show an Atlanta family how much their clutter is worth – and how … Go >

Productivity Tip: Lessons from Fruit Salad

Do you feel like you’re not being as productive as you could be? Even if you’re successful, busy, and hard-working you may be feeling like you’re not getting things done. The fact is, with the nature of work these days, it’s futile to think that work will ever be “done”. The never-ending 24/7 work cycle and the constant flow of … Go >

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