Home Organization: Tips from Professional Organizers

home organization tips

                      Porch.com included paper organization tips from Gotham Organizers Founder Lisa Zaslow in their round-up of home organization tips from top professional organizers. Don’t miss Lisa’s #1 tip to ensure that you stay on track when taking on a paper organization project. Home Organization Tips From Professional Organizers The article … Go >

Moving Tips: How to Make Your Move Easier


Gotham Organizers Founder Lisa Zaslow is proud to be featured in this article from HireAHelpler.com on best tips for moving homes: We Asked 12 Professionals How They Made Their Moves Easier People regularly rank moving as one of the most stressful life events. It doesn’t have to be! These tips from pros will help make your move easier. Lisa offers … Go >

De-cluttering tips: Get clear about your clutter

de-cluttering tips

  (Photo: Unsplash)   One of the first steps in getting organized is to de-clutter. (I know – you want to run out and buy cute containers and nifty gadgets. That comes later. It’s actually step 4 in my Gotham Organizers Less Mess = Less Stress (TM)  5 step process to organize anything.) As Oprah Winfrey has said, “You can’t … Go >

10 Good Reasons to Put Your Stuff in Storage


Yup, you read that right: if you have more things than can comfortably fit into your home, this Professional Organizer isn’t preaching that you must radically de-clutter or become a minimalist. Sometimes you have more stuff than space. It doesn’t mean you’re an organizing failure. Of course, it doesn’t pay to store things that you don’t truly need or love, … Go >

Spring Cleaning Tips

spring cleaning tips

Gotham Organizers is proud to be featured, along with many other experts, in this article on spring cleaning tips from the real estate experts at Redfin.com Click to read the article It’s a quick, useful read. Check it out for many tips on spring cleaning and organizing, including: From yours truly: focus on spring cleaRing, not just spring cleaning. Clear … Go >


Readers Digest asked me to share some of my best tips for setting up a productive workspace. If you want to be more productive – and spend less time at work – it’s crucial that you set up your work space effectively. Check out this quick article for tips about clearing clutter, using color coding, my favorite time management tool … Go >


See Lisa’s column in Real Simple!

Check out Lisa’s “Ask the Organizer” column in the July issue of Real Simple magazine!

Lisa provides practical, concise advice on these common home organization challenges:

Techniques and organizing products to keep work papers from piling up all around the house.

A strategy to clear out a cluttered attic, without being overwhelmed by the project.

How to store baking pans so they don’t cause an avalanche whenever you remove one. Go >

Summer Productivity Tips: Stay Cool and be More Productive

If you’re hot and bothered, you won’t be at your productive best. During the “dog days” of summer (whatever that means), here are some tips so you can keep your cool – both figuratively and literally. Go >

Organizing Products: When to Save – and Splurge

Consumer Reports Shop Smart featured Lisa’s tips on shopping for organizing products. With some organizing products it pays to splurge; with others, you can save money. And some organizing products should be avoided altogether. Read Lisa’s article here. GO Try It! I’d love to know about your favorite organizing products.  Drop me a note here.  

10 Smart Resolutions of Pro Organizers

  Good Housekeeping asked Lisa to share her organizing New Year’s Resolution. Read Good Housekeeping Article GO Try It! I’d love to hear what your organizing resolutions are!  Drop me a line here to let me know!

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